Get The Best ROI with Performance-Tested PPC Campaigns

Pay Per Click (PPC) is a powerful digital marketing strategy that will maximize your ROI in a short span of time. As the name suggests, advertisers pay a fee whenever a user clicks on an ad. Our PPC management services encompass PPC ad spend management, creating compelling and performance-tested ad copies, and reporting revenue. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is one form of PPC, where advertisers bid for placing ads on search engines and the ad is triggered when someone performs a search related to your products and services.

Key Advantages of PPC




I've tried PPC before and it didn't work, should I try again?


The results of your PPC campaign will depend on how well you have set up the campaign structure. For example, your PPC campaign will not work if you have not optimized it for the right keywords. Let us know your concerns and reach out to our PPC management services today.


What factors influence the cost of my PPC campaigns?


A main factor that decides the cost of your PPC campaign is your bid, which determines the amount you are willing to pay for a click. Your ad quality also matters. A high-quality ad can give you a lower cost per click.


When should a business use pay-per-click?


The ideal time to use PPC advertising is when you start your business as it is the time you are trying to find potential customers.PPC advertising can quickly drive targeted audiences to your business, guaranteeing a boost in your ROI.


What search engines can be used for paid ads?


You can choose from a range of search engines, including Bing, Google and Yahoo. While you can explore all the search engines for paid ads, Google is the best to attract traffic from across the globe.


How long does it take to see results?


While the ad set up can be completed in a matter of minutes, businesses should at least wait for a month or two to see actual results. The campaign should be optimized from time to time to achieve better results.


How often should I monitor my PPC campaigns?


Once a PPC ad campaign is set up, it cannot go live unless it is reviewed. The review will take an hour and once the review is done, the campaign can go live and start giving you results within a couple of weeks.


Do paid ads impact my SEO?


No.Paid ads do not directly impact your SEO. In a real scenario, businesses give equal weightage to SEO and PPC to achieve the desired results.Before investing in a paid ad, it is recommended that you evaluate which digital marketing strategy will align with your business objective.

Four Steps to Ace Your PPC Game
Keyword Research
  • Conduct thorough research to find high-performing keywords.

Persuasive ad copies
  • Attract your targeted traffic with eye-catching ad copies.

Optimize landing page
  • Create a landing page that aligns with your ad copy.

Track performance
  • Monitor the performance of your PPC campaigns using data-driven insights.


Backend Business Solutions did a great job with our PPC ad campaigns. Their PPC specialists gave us some quick results in terms of website traffic and conversions. We had a hassle-free experience with the team constantly monitoring the performance of our campaigns.

Alex | Fusion Technologies

We had a fantastic experience partnering with the company. Their PPC team took our digital marketing game to the next level with their creative and result-driven PPC campaigns. The team was very supportive and maintained transparency while reporting revenue.

Rachel | Quantum Global Ventures

We got outstanding results with the PPC management team of Backend Business Solutions. Their strategic approach to keyword bidding and ad spends gave us a quick boost in ROI. The team is committed to serving clients while keeping up with industry trends and practices.

Irin | Catalyst Consulting Services

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Get a quick boost in conversions with our PPC management services. Sign up for a free PPC consultation on how our cost-effective PPC solutions will positively impact your ROI.

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